About Me
The Origin Story
My obsession with photography started in middle school when I purchased a Flip video camera and began making skits, short films, and other types of videos with my friends. I taught myself to edit using Sony Vegas video editing software and got pretty good over time. Eventually, I wanted to increase the quality of my videos, so I started searching for a camera that could shoot higher resolution videos. In my search, I became intrigued by the idea of getting a camera that could also shoot great photos and eventually upgraded to a DSLR with interchangeable lenses, which brought me the best of both worlds. After experimenting with the photo capabilities of the camera, my love expanded from just videography to photography as well. Ever since then, I started freelancing photo/video, I’ve been through several cameras, invested in better equipment, and built up a portfolio of photo/video work spanning a decade!
In my search for a meaningful path after high school, I reflected on my obsession with multimedia and decided to pursue an education within a creative field. After some searching, I decided to study advertising due to its intriguing combination of multimedia and psychology. After some preliminary courses at Austin Community College, I transferred to Texas State University in 2018 and graduated in 2021 with my B.S. in Advertising and Mass Communication.
At this point in my journey, I plan on continuing to learn and grow as I use my multimedia skills and the knowledge I now have of advertising and marketing to create some unique and impactful work!
Check out my creative content in the Portfolio tab.
Freelance Brand Experience
I didn't decide to study advertising until 2018, yet, among the many photoshoots I've done, I have several instances of freelance work involving advertising/marketing that date all the way back to 2013 when my freelancing career began.
2013, Clothing Brand
It just so happens that my first instance of paid work was also a job where I had to create content for advertising/marketing purposes. In 2013, at the age of 17, I was hired, on multiple occasions to shoot photos for a small clothing brand. This brand had skateboarders and BMXers whom they sponsored and my job was to capture the essence of the skate/BMX culture while at the same time showing off the brands' clothes. I traveled to different skateparks where the team was at and I spent hours directing and shooting photos of the athletes performing tricks and posing for photos until we had the shots we needed. I was given full creative control and this was the first time I was in charge of directing subjects and creating content for the advertising/marketing of products. I loved the process.
2017, Lifestyle Grooming Brand
In late 2017, I worked with an Austin, Texas business that was opening a barbershop.
I was hired to help promote their beard oil product that they were selling online and at certain retailers. I photographed the beard oil bottles in different settings so the product could be advertised/marketed on the companies website and social media page.
2018, Recreation/Entertainment Park Brand
In 2018 I worked on multiple occasions with an Austin-based recreation/entertainment park brand. With this brand I captured candid moments of customers enjoying the many amenities of the park as well as birthday parties and other events taking place, all for various online marketing purposes.
2019-2020, YouTube Multimedia Brand
In 2019 I started working regularly with a YouTube brand based out of Austin, Texas. With this brand, I captured candid moments from interviews, brand-oriented portraits, fashion merchandise shots, exclusive content and more.
Other Freelance Experience
Outside of my brand experience, other paid works include weddings, private parties, award ceremonies, engagement photos, family photos, senior portraits, music studio work, live music performances, and more.
Personal Photography Experience
As much as I love freelance work, I’ve always practiced photography for myself. Much of my free time is spent exploring and shooting for fun. I’ve traveled all over central Texas and captured many interesting places. I’ve collaborated with friends, models, and fellow creators. I’ve developed strong friendships and experienced many incredible things on my journey. Doing this, I’ve developed a massive portfolio of personal work spanning more than 10 years. Some of my personal work is posted online but most images are kept in the archive.
I shoot a little bit of everything but over the years I’ve developed an affinity for and specialization in, nighttime street/portrait photography.
Why I Do It
Picking up a camera has always been something I’ve done to satisfy the creative and curious part of me. I love the challenge of trying to recreate the images I see in my head and after 10 years, I still can’t put the camera down.
Freelance work was something I took on early in my journey because I thought it would be fun and exciting, and it has been. I mostly take on work because I love of the craft, the challenges projects pose, and the adventures they inevitably take me on. Ultimately, no matter how busy I get, I don’t see myself ever stopping.